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Tiffany Haywood Consultations

Why Your Story Matters!

If youโ€™ve ever been my client you know that one of the first things I ask is to hear your story. The why behind what you do, make, sell, etc. In the world of branding your brand doesnโ€™t begin with a product – it begins with a person – you!
I know you may think Iโ€™m crazy already but I promise – keep reading and Iโ€™ll prove my point!
Believe it or not, as entrepreneurs none of us are reinventing the wheel. Most of what we do has already being done by someone. So what makes your business stand out? Not your logo, your font or color scheme. Nope. Those things are just pretty packaging for what really matters in building loyalty and support to both your brand and your business.
Any guesses?


Yup, thatโ€™s right. The you behind your brand is what will be the difference between you and whoever else is selling candles, making jewelry, art, coffee, styling hair, coaching, speaking or offering the next best service.
[bctt tweet=”Your personality, passions, and purpose for doing what you do are what will not only draw your clients in but establish loyalty to your business and in turn your product.” username=”thaywooddotcom”]
So how do you let people in? How do you share who you are without being awkward or a bit too friendly? Itโ€™s simple. Tell your story. What sparked your business, the plan or the product?  Did you begin from a need? Many of us know the common thread among entrepreneurs is our ability to see a need a fill a need. The difference comes in your how and why.
Why did you start your business? Was it because of a need, a family member, a childhood dream . . . Telling your story allows you to connect with your audience in a way that a corporation simply canโ€™t. Use that!

10 Checks For Success In The New Year

Maintaining your business’s online presence is just like keeping your house clean. You check off all the surface stuff like posting on Website, Facebook, Instagram and such during the week  –  but what about the checks for the stuff you may have missed?
Taking a bit of extra time to Here are 10 checks for success to be sure what your client sees leaves the best first and lasting impression.

Brand Love

If you know me at all you know I believe your brand can speak volumes for your company even before a client has their first experience. Your website, design, colors, images – they all give your client a ‘first glance‘ feel to who you are and what your business represents. 
The following checks can make that impression one that makes the best impact and sparks not only interest but support and engagement!


Reorganize sites for ease of use

  • Is your menu easy to navigate?
  • Place things in the order of interest
  • Look at your site as a visitor would and arrange things as you would want to find them

Check Social Links

    Use a PlugIn like Broken Link Checker to be sure you don’t have any links or your site that need to be replaced or updated.

Update Graphics/Images

    Has your look changed new hair, style, glasses, etc? Update your profile images/graphics to reflect the new you – those changes are also a part of your brand.

Update Your About Me / About Us

    Update your site’s About section to including growth in both your business and your accomplishments. If you’ve added a new skill, experience or honor to who you are as a business include this. For those of us who are bloggers, we tend to list our personal information as part of our brand be sure things such as ages, marriages time at a position, etc. are current.


    There is no better promotion than that of a satisfied customer. Add a Testimonials section to your site and allow.
[bctt tweet=”Check out how I’m making the best first impression with my business in the New Year thanks to these 10 Checks For Success + FREE Printable from @thaywooddotcom !” via=”no”]

Social Media

Make a list of your social media presence (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.)

Bio Check

    Review your bio information for each platform. Is it direct, to the point and enticing? Do you include the most important points? Ex: Who you are, What you do, Why you do it, Where you are, How you’ve achieved goals – awards, honors, etc.

Update Contact Information

    Have you changed your location, phone, email? Be sure all this information is correct. There’s no faster way to miss an opportunity than being hard to find!

Check Links

    Click on your links to make sure they still work. You never want to lead a potential connection, client or supporter to a dead zone.

Update Graphics/Images

    Has your look changed new hair, style, glasses, etc? Update your profile images/graphics to reflect the new you – those changes are also a part of your brand.

Let Me Help!

Not one for deep cleaning? No worries, I can help. Download my Checks For Success chart to help or schedule a First Impressions Critique and I can take a look for you!
DOWNLOAD Checks For Success

Tips To Brand By – The Blog!

Iโ€™m a Blogger. Blogging is what helped me find my path to branding and consultations. So why you may ask why is this my first official blog here on TiffanyHaywood?

In the beginning, I didnโ€™t want this to become no more than a second blog yet now nearly 4 years later – whoa! Letโ€™s take a Selah moment for thatโ€ฆ Thank You, Lord!


The truth is I see things a bit differently now. Although this is a space for offering branding and consultation services blogging is still a natural part of who I am. Sharing my tips, knowledge, and experience through words comes easy to me. So why should iI not include it here?

This blog will differ from TheMrsTee because the words I share here will be targeted for the growth, success, and improvement of your small business. There will be no branded or sponsored content.

Although I may have a few affiliate links when suggesting programs, platforms, and services I know to work best as a small business consultant and owner this will be a place where I share simply because I care about you and your business.

So, without further ado allow me to introduce you to Tips To Brand By – The Blog!
