Iโ€™m a Blogger. Blogging is what helped me find my path to branding and consultations. So why you may ask why is this my first official blog here on TiffanyHaywood?

In the beginning, I didnโ€™t want this to become no more than a second blog yet now nearly 4 years later – whoa! Letโ€™s take a Selah moment for thatโ€ฆ Thank You, Lord!


The truth is I see things a bit differently now. Although this is a space for offering branding and consultation services blogging is still a natural part of who I am. Sharing my tips, knowledge, and experience through words comes easy to me. So why should iI not include it here?

This blog will differ from TheMrsTee because the words I share here will be targeted for the growth, success, and improvement of your small business. There will be no branded or sponsored content.

Although I may have a few affiliate links when suggesting programs, platforms, and services I know to work best as a small business consultant and owner this will be a place where I share simply because I care about you and your business.

So, without further ado allow me to introduce you to Tips To Brand By – The Blog!