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Tiffany Haywood Consultations

Why Your Story Matters!

If you’ve ever been my client you know that one of the first things I ask is to hear your story. The why behind what you do, make, sell, etc. In the world of branding your brand doesn’t begin with a product – it begins with a person – you!
I know you may think I’m crazy already but I promise – keep reading and I’ll prove my point!
Believe it or not, as entrepreneurs none of us are reinventing the wheel. Most of what we do has already being done by someone. So what makes your business stand out? Not your logo, your font or color scheme. Nope. Those things are just pretty packaging for what really matters in building loyalty and support to both your brand and your business.
Any guesses?


Yup, that’s right. The you behind your brand is what will be the difference between you and whoever else is selling candles, making jewelry, art, coffee, styling hair, coaching, speaking or offering the next best service.
[bctt tweet=”Your personality, passions, and purpose for doing what you do are what will not only draw your clients in but establish loyalty to your business and in turn your product.” username=”thaywooddotcom”]
So how do you let people in? How do you share who you are without being awkward or a bit too friendly? It’s simple. Tell your story. What sparked your business, the plan or the product?  Did you begin from a need? Many of us know the common thread among entrepreneurs is our ability to see a need a fill a need. The difference comes in your how and why.
Why did you start your business? Was it because of a need, a family member, a childhood dream . . . Telling your story allows you to connect with your audience in a way that a corporation simply can’t. Use that!